Saturday, June 06, 2009

The First Weekend of the Summer

The moon is beautiful tonight. The lightning bugs are doing their darndest to outshine it. Have spent most of the day sleeping like the dead which is obviously something I needed. Made some gut wrenching decisions the past couple of days and living with the consequences is like walking in a fog. Am either feeling relieved, happy, sad or sick to my stomach at various intervals. I think God has a way of sending us messages and I've often felt that touch at various times of crisis in my life. Today we were driving down the road and were horrified to see an elderly woman laying on the ground next to her car. She was calling for her husband who had gone into their house. Both of them lived in assisted living and had come to get their mail. He was barely able to get around himself and there was no way he would have been able to help her get up from the ground. We basically had to almost carry her back to the car as she unable to support herself. Come to find out after introductions, that he knew my in-laws from the VFW Hall but seemed unaware that my father-in-law had passed away three years ago today. We were there at the right time at that moment. It feels like I was supposed to get something from the incident. Either some message about couples or helping each other but I haven't quite figured it out yet. I'm trying God..I'm trying.

1 comment:

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The message may not be clear for years. When it is, you will know.