Friday, October 26, 2007

And they call it the moooon

Did anyone see the gorgeous moon in the sky this morning? The air was a lovely crisp and the moon seemed so close that there seemed to be a clarity everywhere. I love Autumn. I should probably live somewhere where there really are trees whose leaves change color and then fall to the ground. Around here, we should change the season's name to Dump. One day the leaves are green, a strong wind comes and blows everything around and the next day, there are a bunch of leaves seemingly dumped in the corner of my yard. But today, with this weather, you can call it Nirvana. My mood couldn't even be fazed by Miss Skippy June's pronouncement that Ms. 100 Farmers was indeed a B*&$%. Now Miss Skippy June has only managed to make my class four times since school started so we're not as emotionally vested as she thinks we are. I know she certainly didn't get the response she was looking for. After her declaration that I was closely related to the female canine family, I casually asked her if she had been talking to my sister again. It may not have been the ultimate professional teacher response but I unintentionally scored some serious street cred with my 7th period. The funniest part was watching her trying to flounce to her seat in a room that has been rearranged four times since she last showed up. Yeah, yeah, I wrote her up and la la la, the wheels of my administration run a whole lot smoother than my previous district's so Miss Skippy June will probably be looking at the moon from a new school next month. I hope the moon shines some clarity on her then. In the meantime, this B@#$% too busy gettin' her edumacation on to let those haters get her down. Word.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Things I Should Have Learned by Now

1. Do not grab the cookie sheet above the oven vent with bare hands.
2. You cannot put off copying a class set until the last minute because it will cause every copy machines to break all at once.
3. The BS lesson you throw together for Monday morning will cause the curriculum director to miraculous visit your room.
4. Your overhead light bulb will burn out in the middle of an important interactive lesson.
5. Check the pockets of all clothes going into the washer. I found four pens in the last load: after washing but luckily before drying.
6. You will run into someone you know when you run down to get a paper with bedhead and no bra.
7. Your most challenging(worst)kid will usually rise to the occasion with defiance, snoring, desk malfunction or profanity during said curriculum director's five minute visit.
8. Do not leave the remote for any electronic device out in your room(interpret this as in reach of students).
9. Your classroom will be steaming the day you wear a sweater and freezing the day you wear a light dress with short sleeves.
10. Your students will always complain that it is too hot/too cold/too hard/boring even when things are perfect.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My weekend summed up

Going to make this short and simple: Don't going running after eating okra at lunch.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Wait a minute

I was quite touched when a student told me last week in a very sweet voice that she prayed that I would win the Texas Lotto. It wasn't until I was driving home later that I realized that she might be praying that I leave teaching completely. Seriously, this week was easier. I am feeling much more comfortable in my skin and I feel like I might have jumped a major hurdle just getting the first six weeks of grades finalized. Of course, now come the parent phone calls about junior and juniorette's grades. I have to admit that I am a little bit lonely and am actually missing the once a week department planning meetings. It would be nice to know where everyone else is and that I'm somehow headed in the right direction. If the Good Lord blew the Lotto my way, that would work also.